Your Right for somewhere to Live
Your Right for somewhere to Live – Local council authorities must provide homeless people with somewhere to live if they’re eligible for help, are in priority need, and haven’t intentionally...
The Right to Work as a Citizen
British citizens and Commonwealth citizens who have the right to live in the UK, European Economic Area (EEA) nationals, and all their family members can work here without restrictions on...
Demonstration in the UK
Demonstration in the UK – The Human Rights Act gives you the right to peaceful assembly a group or association. Demonstration in the UK This right isn’t an absolute right...
Getting Permission to come into the UK
Getting Permission to come into the UK – The Immigration Legal guidelines set out the foundations and laws about who can and can’t come into the UK, how long they...
Living in the UK
Living in the UK – You can be resident in the UK but have your permanent home in another country. You may be a resident here while you’re doing a...
Citizenship and You Its Not a Birth Right Anymore
You can be born a British citizen, or you can be granted the right to British citizenship. Citizenship and You Its Not a Birth Right Anymore Citizenship and You Its...
Getting on the Local Electoral Register
Getting on the Local Electoral Register – Once a year, the local authority updates and amends its electoral register in your county, the list of people who live within its...
Seeking Asylum in the UK
Refugees and asylum seekers don’t need to prove that they’re entitled to come into the UK under immigration rules and regulations. They can come into the country and then try...
Coming to live in the UK as a Citizen
Thousands of people come to the UK every year hoping to remain here. Some are allowed to come into the country for a short time and then expected to leave...
Your Right for Medical Treatment
Your Right for Medical Treatment – If you usually live in the UK and even if you aren’t a UK citizen, you have the right to register with a local...